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Potty Train With Compassion$0

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  • 1xPotty Train With Compassion$0

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Hi!  I'm Tara and I'm a speech/language pathologist. I've run a communication-based classroom for young autistic children for 2 decades. During that time, I've worked hard to help parents potty train their children. I feel like it is an important skill for dignity and independence down the line. 

 I believe that potty training should be a gentle, compassionate process. Power struggles and meltdowns are counterproductive when it comes to toilet training because it's much harder to "eliminate" when stressed. 

 One of my favorite things is writing social stories that include special interests for my students. Santa pees in the potty, Elsa poops in the potty, Peppa Pig sits on the get the idea! It was common for my colleagues to say "Tara, can you make a peeing in the potty story with (fill in the blank) in it?". 

 I founded Autism Little Learners in 2019, and love connecting with educators and parents to help reduce their overwhelm and help them experience progress and small successes that build upon each other!
