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    One-time payment ($127.00)$127.00
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    Split pay (2x $65.00)2x $65.00

Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer $25 $42
Add the Visual Schedule Picture Bundle with all of the images you will need for your new visual schedules.  It includes the school set, home/community set, OT set, and speech therapy set.

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Visual Schedules Made Easy Course$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xVisual Schedules Made Easy Course$0

All prices in USD

Hey there! I'm Tara, and I'm so excited that you are about to join me for the Visual Supports Made Easy Online Course!

I'm a speech/language pathologist, and I've run a communication-based classroom for young autistic children for 2 decades. 
I have a passion for using visual supports in my classroom to help create predictable routines for my students. I've learned so much through trial and error over the years and I love sharing the strategies that have stood the test of time. These visuals work with most children and are easy for support staff to carry out. 

 I founded Autism Little Learners in 2019, and love connecting with educators and parents to help reduce their overwhelm and help them experience progress and small successes that build upon each other!
